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Fendika Cultural Center offers Azmari nightly performances, with a lively session of traditional dancing. Fendika Cultural Center has grown out of Fendika Azmari Bet. In Ethiopian culture, an "azmari bet", literally meaning the House of the Azmari, is a place where people gather to listen and enjoy traditional music offered by Azmaris. Azmari musicians are known for their ability to improvise humorous lyrics about their customers, or about current affairs and politics.



Ethiocolor invites you to Fendika Cultural Center every other Friday! We will exchange our love of music, dance, and culture with you, our dear audience. As always, special guests will bring surprises and fun. Together we explore tradition, creativity, and humanity - no boundaries!! The night begins at 8 PM with sounds from golden vinyls, and everything happens from there! Entrance 50 birr for the artists. Click here for booking and touring information.

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Negarit Band performs every other Friday at Fendika Cultural Center. Negarit is led by Teferi Assefa, a drummer with an international career highlighted by establishing Lasta Sound and co-founding Wudasse Ethio-Jazz. A researcher and teacher of Ethiopian music, Teferi masterfully infuses traditional Ethiopian themes into Ethio-Jazz.

Teferi names his band Negarit after the ancient Ethiopian Drum set, typically used for announcing royal decrees. The Negarit Band "ANNOUNCES" the unique sounds of the Ethio-Jazz to the world. The intimate space of Fendika is perfect for Negarit’s groovy sound that connects to its ancient Ethiopian roots. Fendika dancers join the musicians in interpreting the intricate rhythms and melodies. Together they promise a mesmerizing experience not to be missed!



Kayn Lab is an experimental jazz fusion band focusing on new arrangements of Ethiopian rhythms & modes. Fendika Cultural Center is proud to welcome KAŸN LAB's brilliant musicians: Jonovan Cooper on saxophones & reeds, Teferi Assefa on drums and percussion, Henock Temesgen on bass, and Abiy Woldemariam on keyboard. They light up Fendika with their superb musicianship and experimental spirits. You are invited to witness the latest Ethiopian jazz innovation!